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Grace Swirls Blog

Mark McMinn
Feb 164 min read
Washing off Mud for the Sake of Friendship
Nestled in the Gospel of John is an earthy, unsettling story--one that begins with judgment, turns to mud, and ends with healing. It...

Mark McMinn
Jan 113 min read
Reclaiming Friendship in a Lonely World
Amidst what many are calling a loneliness epidemic , Lisa and I somehow stumbled into a friendship group that has changed our lives. It...

Mark McMinn
Dec 22, 20242 min read
Those of us in the Christian faith frequent the annunciation this time of year, when the angel Gabriel appears to Mary and tells her she...

Mark McMinn
Nov 23, 20245 min read
The Day after Thanksgiving
A hand is “a prehensile, multi-fingered appendage located at the end of the forearm.” Biologically true, yes, but lacking the poetry...

Mark McMinn
Oct 30, 20244 min read
The Case for Community
Twenty years ago the word "community" started showing up everywhere and, to be perfectly honest, it annoyed me. It seemed like a fad, and...

Mark McMinn
Oct 13, 20244 min read
Lions and Tigers and Bears
I'll start, you finish: Lions and Tigers and Bears... In one of the most famous lines from the 1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz , three...

Mark McMinn
Oct 6, 20244 min read
How to Sell Quiet. And Not.
Rachel Feintzig is the Work & Life columnist for The Wall Street Journal . The WSJ bio blurb about Ms. Feintzig notes that she focuses,...

Mark McMinn
Sep 16, 20243 min read
The Bejeebers Profanity Incident
Attending the Wendell Berry Reading Group gathering last month, I discovered I may have stumbled into unintentional profanity. While...

Mark McMinn
Aug 31, 20243 min read
Saying More about Saying Less
Authors have a tinge of arrogance. Well, maybe more than a tinge. It takes some hubris to believe we have something important to say to...

Mark McMinn
Aug 16, 20242 min read
The Grace of Gentling Places
Angry has its own verb (anger). Judgmental also has one (judge). Doesn't it seem that gentle should have one, too? It turns out it does....

Mark McMinn
Jul 31, 20244 min read
Facing the Shadow of Shame
This post breaks the rules. Rule #1: Keep everything simple. It's a good rule for blog-writing and reels where we only have a moment to...

Mark McMinn
Jun 30, 20244 min read
How to Make a Grown Man Cry
I’ll answer, but circuitously. Several decades ago, I failed my first attempt at a board certification exam, so I arranged supervision...

Mark McMinn
Jun 15, 20243 min read
Let it Be
I was once in a band called Salt. Okay, it wasn't a great band, and I was definitely the weak link. Put a guy with no rhythm on rhythm...

Mark McMinn
May 17, 20244 min read
Nothing to Fear. Really?
If you’re a psychologist, counselor, or in another helping profession, do you ever wonder why we do this work? So much of it comes down...

Mark McMinn
Apr 27, 20243 min read
Wrapping Up a Quiet Ego
Those iconic sweaters Fred Rogers wore on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood were hand-knitted by his mother, Nancy McFeely Rogers Flagg. She...

Mark McMinn
Apr 16, 20243 min read
Grow Thyself
An ancient Greek inscription from at least 2600 years ago reads, “Know Thyself.” This notion captured the attention of many early Greek...

Mark McMinn
Mar 11, 20243 min read
Rediscovering Compassion
What's happened to us? In the past week an elected U.S. Representative heckled the President during a nationally televised speech with a...

Mark McMinn
Mar 2, 20243 min read
High School Speeches, ChatGPT, and Quieting the Ego: Interdependence
Every couple who has been married a long time has stories they repeat. One of ours has to do with me being salutatorian in high school...

Mark McMinn
Feb 18, 20243 min read
Hearing over Goats and Quieting the Ego: Detached Awareness
Lisa, my dear spouse, tends Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats who often show up in her blog posts. I may have rolled my eyes at that a few...

Mark McMinn
Feb 7, 20242 min read
Be Still, My Ego
You know that thing where you're in a crowded restaurant and it's hard to hear the people you're with? So you talk louder, and your...
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